Friday, December 23, 2011

The Famous 8 Wishes of CGMA This Xmas

After her arrest for election sabotage filed by the COMELEC and DOJ at Pasay Regional Trial Court, former President-in-Question and now Pampanga Congressman Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has been echoing her wishes this Christmas Season. Her famous 8 wishes and their status are:

1) Hospital arrest - GRANTED!

     She is now at the Presidential Suite at the Veterans Memorial Medical Center.

2) Television set - GRANTED!

Not necessarily this brand, kind and size

3) Radio - GRANTED!

Again, not necessarily this brand and kind

4) Sunlight - GRANTED!

For one hour daily

5) Attend Mass - GRANTED!

At least not at St Peters Basilica in Vatican City

6) Laptop - DENIED!

It could be this brand, if granted.

7) Cellphone - DENIED!

If granted, it might be this...Apple Iphone 4S.

8) Christmas and New Year at Home - DENIED!

No Noche Buena and Buena Noche at 14 Badjao St, La Vista Subdivision, Quezon City

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