Showing posts with label fishing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fishing. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

2017 Eid AL Fitr Celebration

We celebrated our Eid Al-Fitr (Ramadan Holiday) from 25 to 27 June 2017. It is 3-day holiday for workers in our Company.

(Rey "Piolo" Bolanio, Donald Derla, Romeo "Dondon" Marquez, Rodel Bellosillo, Reggie Florez, Edgard Paetan & Glendo Valdezco)

We decided to have our usual beach party in the afternoon of June 24, 2017 because we knew that on the first day of the holiday itself, the beach will be occupied by so many people.

(Jerick Sarmiento & Charles Tamares)

We arrived at the beach at around 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon and I told my co-workers to take our pictures because it will be dark afterwards.

 (Rudy, Jerick & Charles)

(Rollie, Romeo, Dado & Ricky)

After the picture-taking, while some colleagues broiled our meal, many of us proceeded to the beach not to swim but to catch fish.

(Jerick, Ricky, Joey & Nilo)

Fortunately, all of us caught something. After that, we decided to take our dinner which comprised of shrimp in tamarind soup (sinigang na hipon), broiled chicken and tilapia and bulalo (beef soup made of shank with bone marrow).

For dessert, we have watermelon.
(Rodel, Romeo, Reggie, Donald, Edgard & Piolo)

After dinner, we decided to fish again. This time, the catch was few. The fish was full as well and decided to go away from the shore.

25 June 2017

Nothing to do, I decided to fish alone in the morning. I caught about 10 fish before 12:00 noon and only about 2 in the afternoon. Some of the Nepalese fishing enthusiasts arrived at around 3:30 PM. I left the shore at about 7:00 in the evening.

26 June 2017

Since my co-workers had agreed to return to the beach where we had our party to fish, I did not go on fishing in the morning. We left our Camp at around 3:30 PM and arrived at around 4:20 PM because we passed by the fish market to buy some baits. The day was not so good as in the previous day since we caught only but a few. We left at around 8:30 PM

27 June 2017

Today is the last day of our holiday. As usual, I spent the morning at the shore. Juliuos, our Workshop supervisor, took me there at around 7:10 in the morning. The day was good as I caught about 20 fish.
Silver breams

Unfortunately, I also encountered some misadventures. My right thump got hooked and had bruise on the left sole.

I think it is a reminder that I have to slow down a bit on my fishing adventure. I have to rest for a week to heel my hand and feet.
Low tide

High tide

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Trek To Jubail Corniche

On the first day of our Eid Al-Adha holiday, 5 November 2011, I trekked to a corniche in Jubail, Saudi Arabia, which is less than 30 minutes from our accommodation.

However, the place was not the same as it used to be when we first visited it with friends.

I wished to get a swim on the water but the coast is rocky.

I ended up watching some Filipinos casting their lines to fish.

This used to have interlocking tiles. 

Because the roots of the trees uprooted the tiles, the administrator removed all of them. 

The place is now under renovation.

The playground seemed abandon.

It needs repair and maintenance.

Benches and tables are needed in these shades.

These flowers saved the day.

I brought these foods as my baon.

And bought this tamis bread along the way home. Tamis is made by mashing flour, water and oil to gain consistency. The dough is made into a ball and flatten to create a round figure. It is then stamped with a round implement with small nails on it to create small holes on the dough.

 It is then whisked with sesame & sugar. It is then sticked on the side of a conventional Arabic/Afghan oven. Tamis with sugar costs 3 Saudi Riyals while tamis with cheese costs 4 Saudi Riyals.

I came home with sore and bruised feet.

Whew! What a holiday trip!