Showing posts with label assessment as learning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label assessment as learning. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Target is Me

The primary target of educational assessment, whether traditional or alternative, is the student or learner. However, for a student like me, the focus of assessment such as test, homework, and project, is to determine if I understood or can recall what the teachers taught me to understand. Assessment is the means to gauge my level of performance and finally certify if I meet the requirements of the course/study so that I can move on to the next level. Nothing has been said that the evaluation used is for me to make control of my learning.


During my education, from elementary to college, the goals of learning are not explicitly articulated by the teachers, instructors or professors. They tend to believe that the students already know what are expected of them. They guess that tests, long or short, homework or assignment, midterm, projects, and finals are parts of student’s life that the learners should be prepared to hurdle or accomplish. As a result, I also tend to believe that when I got high grades, I am already a good learner.

high grade

The problem with assessment as learning, like assessment of and for learning, lies with the teachers not telling their students why they are doing what they are doing. They begin their lessons without articulating to the learners what they will and need to accomplish at the end of the unit of study. They give tests, ask students to submit a project, grade them and move on the next lesson. They do not care if almost half of the class did not understand the lesson. The goal is to teach the next lessons and finish the materials that school administrators tell them to teach within the prescribed time frame.

teacher student

From elementary to college, the concept of metacognition and self-regulation did not register in my mind. This is because my teachers did not introduce the concepts or even the words. I sense that the teachers’ primary role then is to give knowledge rather than facilitate learning. This is the reason why I was not fully prepared when I entered the university. I thought that my professors will just deliver the lecture for us to understand and memorize. It was surprising when they just gave you syllabus and they expected you to know the lessons and be able to articulate them during class discussion or during exams. The horror was that they gave you exams they did not teach or discuss as if they are gods that gave orders to their subjects and expected them to know them by themselves.

Teachers rule

Students learning by themselves will not materialize if teachers themselves do not give the reasons to do so. The learning goals or expectations should be clear and specific; the methods of instruction are well-defined; and the assessment tools should be in accord with the two and the outcomes are achievable. Regular feedback to each and every student should be given at appropriate time interval to correct any misconception and enhance their learning.

students learning

Individual differences in terms of strategies and styles should be taken into consideration in judging one’s performance. Ample time should be given to students to reflect on their own learning. Teachers should continuously monitor students’ progress and strategies until they achieve the potential to self-assess and self-regulate. However, to do this, teachers should provide genuine opportunities and create environments so that learners feel safe, confident, responsible and independent in their approach to self-study.


Earl, L. & Katz, S. (2006). Chapter 4, “Assessment of Learning." In Rethinking classroom assessment with purpose in mind. Western & Northern Canadian Protocol for Collaboration on Education, 41-54). Retrieved from

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Assessment FOR, AS and OF LEARNING

Dr. Lorna Earl and Dr. Steven Katz in their book "Rethinking Classroom Assessment with Purpose in Mind" stress the different approach in planning Assessment for, as, and of Learning as the 3 main purposes of assessment. These differences are outlined in the table below:


Assessment FOR LearningAssessment AS Learning

Assessment OF Learning

Why Assess?

to enable teachers to determine next steps in advancing student learning

to guide and provide opportunities for each student to monitor and critically reflect on his or her learning, and

identify next steps

to certify or inform parents or others of student’s proficiency in

relation to curriculum learning outcomes

Assess What?

each student’s progress and learning needs in relation to the curricular


each student’s thinking about his or her learning, what strategies he or she uses to support or challenge that learning, and the mechanisms he or she uses to adjust and advance his or her learning

the extent to which students can apply the key concepts,

knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to the curricular


What Methods?

a range of methods in different modes that make students’ skills and

understanding visible

a range of methods in different modes that elicit students’ learning and metacognitive processes

a range of methods in different modes that assess both product

and process




• accuracy and consistency of

observations and interpretations of

student learning

• clear, detailed learning expectations

• accurate, detailed notes for descriptive feedback to each student

• accuracy and consistency of student’s self-reflection, self-monitoring, and


• engagement of the student in considering and challenging his or

her thinking

• students record their own learning

• accuracy, consistency, and fairness of judgments based

on high-quality information

• clear, detailed learning expectations

• fair and accurate summative reporting

Using the



• provide each student with accurate descriptive feedback to further his or

her learning

• differentiate instruction by continually checking where each student is in relation to the curricular outcomes

• provide parents or guardians with

descriptive feedback about student learning and ideas for support

• provide each student with accurate

descriptive feedback that will help him or her develop independent

learning habits

• have each student focus on the task and his or her learning (not on getting the right answer)

• provide each student with ideas for

adjusting, rethinking, and articulating his or her learning

• provide the conditions for the

teacher and student to discuss alternatives

• students report about their learning

• indicate each student’s level of learning

• provide the foundation for

discussions on placement or


• report fair, accurate, and detailed information that can

be used to decide the next steps in a student’s learn

For the complete material, please click