Showing posts with label Full Results of Philippine Bar Exams 2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Full Results of Philippine Bar Exams 2011. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

1,913 Passes Philippine Bar Exams in Nov 2011

In spite of the impeachment trial of Chief Justice Renato Corona, the result of the Philippine Bar held in November 2011 shall be released by the Supreme Court of the Philippines at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, February 29, 2012. Last year's venue for the exams was in the University of Santo Tomas after the bombing incident in front of Dela Salle University in 2010.

Raoul Angelo Atadero of  Ateneo De Manila University topped the November 2011 bar exam with 85. 5363%

SC Spokesman Midas Marquez announced that only 1,913 law graduates out of 5,987 who took the test or  31.95% passed the 2011 Bar exams.

The top 10 examinees of the Bar 2011 are:

Atadero, Raoul Angelo D.
Ateneo de Manila University
Bolong, Luz Danielle O.
Ateneo de Manila University
Rafal-Roble, Cherry Liez O.
Arellano University
Bañaga, Rosemil R.
Notre Dame University
Gonzales, Christian Louie C.
University of Sto. Tomas
Bandal, Ivan M.
Silliman University
Acosta, Eireene Xina M.
San Beda College
Qua, Irene Marie P.
Ateneo de Manila University
Laceda, Elaine Marie G.
Far Eastern University-DLSU (Juris Doctor-MBA)
Aquino, Rodolfo Q.
San Beda College


The new lawyers are:

1 . ABAD, Cernick S
2 . ABAD, Rino E
3 . ABAGAT, Hazel V
4 . ABALOS, Dowelson M
5 . ABAN, Richard Bobot F
6 . ABAPO, Lovely S
7 . ABARCA, Rodvick J
8 . ABARQUEZ, Anna Melissa F
9 . ABAS-REGANION, Maria Liezelda G
10 . ABASQUEZ-FELASOL, Elizabeth B
11 . ABASTILLAS, JR., Renato M
12 . ABAYON, II, Harlin Gleeperf J
13 . ABDON, Lynette C
14 . ABDULLAH, Ahmad-ali M
15 . ABEAR, Harold C
17 . ABELLANO, Shella L
18 . ABELLO, Christian L
19 . ABENES, Maria Victoria A
20 . ABESA, Ivan D
21 . ABEYA, Alem-eman Chisum L
22 . ABIANG, Rio Nila L
23 . ABLANQUE, Kerth Jossef M
24 . ABLONG, Joshua Francisco J
25 . ABOGA-A, Jovan S
26 . ABOT, Geneses R
27 . ABRAGAN, Scarlette Rose C
28 . ABRAGAN, II, Albert Ignatius C
29 . ABRIGO, Aldren D
30 . ABSIN, Zerah Marie B
31 . ABU, Christine Joy A
32 . ABUDA, Rufino V
33 . ABULENCIA, Juvielyn S
34 . ABULON, Jason C
35 . ACANA, Katrina Q
36 . ACEDERA, Jericho U
37 . ACERET, Chenaide P
38 . ACEVEDO, Pulchra Marie E
39 . ACOSTA, Eireene Xina M
40 . ADAME, Zaremelle D
41 . ADARLO, JR., Julian E
42 . ADDAMO, Edwardo Dewey M
43 . ADDURU-AMAN, Roxanne Mia A
44 . ADEVA, Dino A
45 . ADORABLE, Anne Lorraine C
46 . ADRANEDA, Maria Joy Karen G
48 . AGARAO, Zenon C
49 . AGAS, Dorada Lori P
50 . AGBON-FAYTAREN, Demia Ann A
51 . AGODON, Christiann Leonard P
52 . AGONCILLO, Donna Angela SP
53 . AGRA, Dante Jerome U
54 . AGUILAN, Elizabeth Karla P
55 . AGUILAR, Katlyn Anne C
56 . AGUILAR, JR., Romeo L
57 . AGUILLON, Gilbert V
58 . AGUIRRE, Jessaida Starla T
59 . AGUISANDA, Angelica Socorro A
60 . AGULLO, Michelle A
61 . AGURA, Marichu A
62 . AGUSTIN, James Bryan O
63 . AGUSTIN, Liberty J
64 . AKOT, Shaun Cary M
65 . ALAGDE, Jude Cornelio L
66 . ALAGON, Marah B
67 . ALAPIT, Lemwel L
68 . ALAVE, JR., Dionesio T
69 . ALAYON, Eugene D
70 . ALBA, Voltaire M
71 . ALBAN, Jose Aurelio B
72 . ALBANIEL, Annaliza C
73 . ALBANO, Jay Jay A
74 . ALBAYALDE, Carmelo B
75 . ALBEOS, Vincent Deo F
76 . ALBERTO, Catherine May L
77 . ALBINO, Rhyan Petrose A
78 . ALBON, Lauro A
79 . ALCANTARA, Andrew Joshua B
80 . ALCANTARA, Cristina T
81 . ALCARAZ, Alper John G
82 . ALEGRIA, Marigold A
83 . ALEJANDRINO, Joseph Gandhir Kagi P
84 . ALFAR, Roselo M
85 . ALFELOR, Antonio Andre R
86 . ALFONSO, Marvic C
87 . ALI, Jahara A
88 . ALICANTE, JR., Rufino A
89 . ALILING, Jose Luis Z
90 . ALIM, Ayla V
91 . ALIMAN, O'hara S
92 . ALINSANGAN, Sheila Mae M
93 . ALIS, Raymon Y
94 . ALIVIADO, Chalm C
95 . ALJENTERA, Teresita H
96 . ALLIENDA, JR., Justiniano L
97 . ALMACHAR, Jona
98 . ALMENDRA, Fiel Y
99 . ALMONTE, Maricon A
100 . ALTAMERA, Jennifer C
101 . ALUGAR, Marie Chres M
102 . ALVARADO, Lyndell P
103 . AMACNA, Fidel C
104 . AMAGO, IV, Bernardino T
105 . AMERIL, Nadzma M
106 . AMPAGUEY, Holy T
107 . AMSAWA, Mohammad Ahmad N
108 . AMUASEN, Johannes A
109 . ANAAS, Franklin D
110 . ANCAJAS, JR., Lyndon Y
111 . ANCHETA, Danniel James M
112 . ANCHETA, Edward Dale D
113 . ANDAM, Analia S
114 . ANDRES, Carla N
115 . ANDRES, Diane Angeli S
116 . ANDRES, Ma. Rowena S
117 . ANG, Joseph Y
118 . ANG, Kazimir Kira R
119 . ANGARE, Anathalia B
120 . ANGELES, Ada Victoria D
121 . ANGELES, Enrico Errol D
122 . ANGELIO, II, Ramon M
124 . ANGLIONGTO,, Candy May S
125 . ANGULO, Belinda G
126 . ANGUSTIA, Joshua Paul S
127 . ANI, Dane Neil G
128 . ANINANG, Maricel T
129 . ANSALDO, Evita Magnolia I
130 . ANSANO, Khalid D
131 . ANTIG, Eir Peirre Alleistair L
132 . ANTIPATIA, Maria Conchita D
133 . ANTOLIN, Jeanne Marisse Theodora C
134 . ANTONIO, Desiree Charmaine Q
135 . ANTONIO, JR., Salvador F
136 . APAO, Michelle Lyn A
137 . APOSTOL, Lloyd Elgene A
138 . APOSTOL, Roxan G
139 . AQUINO, Louie Bernard C
140 . AQUINO, Marla Luisa B
141 . AQUINO, Rizza A
142 . AQUINO, Roderick R
143 . AQUINO, Rodolfo Q
144 . AQUISIO, Richard P
145 . ARAGONES, Junine L
146 . ARANDA, Julie Ann L
147 . ARANETA, Warme P
148 . ARBOLADO, Charmaine V
149 . ARCE, Oliva C
150 . ARCE, Ray Patrick M
151 . ARCENAS, Dorothy F
152 . ARCILLA, Broderick C
153 . ARCILLA, Juan Antonio E
154 . ARELLANO, Joanna R
155 . ARELLANO, Renelyn J
156 . ARENAJO, Bernadette N
157 . AREVALO, Ma. Donna V
158 . ARIOLA, Hazel Bachz B
159 . ARISTON, Jacklyn M
160 . ARISTOTELES, Mary Jane P
161 . ARLOS, Jamie Andrea Mae Y
162 . AROCO, Steve M
163 . ARQUERO, Josef Bertrand L
164 . ARRIETA, Chiqui C
165 . ARRIETA, Ryan H
166 . ARTETA, Sheena Ester P
167 . ASERON, Kathleen S
168 . ASILO, Francis Alvin V
169 . ASTILLA, Andrew C
170 . ASUNCION, Euvimil Nina R
171 . ASUTEN, Michael L
172 . ATABUG, Marian E
173 . ATADERO, Raoul Angelo D
174 . ATANACIO, JR., Ricardo Y
175 . ATANGAN, Mishiele O
176 . ATCHECO, April Lorelei A
177 . ATIENZA, Donabel D
178 . AUMENTADO, Arnel Rafael R
179 . AURE, Gary C
180 . AUSA, Siegfried A
181 . AUSTRIA, Vienna Maria R
182 . AVILA, Cristina R
183 . AVILA, Gail B
184 . AVILA, Lee Agerico B
185 . AVILA, Maria Theresa O
186 . AVILA, Paul Agerico B
187 . AWE, Crisyrel P
188 . AWIT, Elma L
189 . AZORES-LINA, Rhodora P
190 . AZURA, Jonas Julius Caesar N

For the rest of the passers, click HERE;

Among the 1913 new lawyers, how many...
1) will defend the Constitution, the truth and the rule of law, no matter what?
2) will defend his/her appointer , no matter what?
3) will defend his/her client/s, no matter what?
4) will be appointed Justices and Chief Justice, no matter what?
5) will follow the Code of Ethics?