Showing posts with label formative vs summative assessment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label formative vs summative assessment. Show all posts

Friday, September 20, 2013

Some Basic Concepts and Terminologies on Assessment

As part of our research and understanding regarding basic concepts and terminologies on assessment, I caught the definitions of my classmate Regina Josephine Benito because she differentiates the various terms in a simple and yet comprehensible way.

Report card

Regina describes assessment as the gathering of information, analyzing and interpreting the understanding of the student. She stresses that assessment is used to:

• discover what the student needs regarding his learning (diagnostic);

• position the student in a learning environment to maximize his potentials (placement);

• evaluate the effectiveness of the program, and to

• give an opinion on student’s study.

Regina further describes formative assessment as student’s learning monitoring during the course while summative assessment is done at the end of the course. According to her, criterion-referenced assessment rests on specific or particular tasks or concepts where students are evaluated against a set of criteria or standards while norm-referenced assessment is derived on general skills or concepts.

For further reading, please visit Regina’s original entry at

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