Showing posts with label Gilbert Go. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gilbert Go. Show all posts

Monday, November 14, 2011

Jr MasterChef Pinoy Edition - Top 12

On Saturday, 12 November 2011, the top 12 in the Jr MasterChef Pinoy Edition was declared after 3 of the contestants were eliminated.

Judy Ann Santos announced that this episode shall be called "Watch, Learn And Cook Challenge". This is appropriate since the Jr chefs have to watch Chef Ferns while he demonstrated the preparation, technique and skill to cook a Morrocan meatballs and couscous.

Chef Ferns

The first task was to make Moroccan meatballs with 50 grams each. Seven of the kids who came firsts to this challenge and were required to cook the demonstrated dish of Chef Ferns were:

1. Kyle
2. Mika
3. Philip
4. Gilbert
5. Caitlin
6. Miko
7. Tricia

After cooking and tasting, the Jr MasterChefs who got the highest points were:

1. Philip - 6 points
2. Mika - 4 points
3. Kyle - 2 points
4. Caitlin, Miko, Tricia & Gilbert got 1 point each

The bottom 6 were put into a Pressure Test. They were required to cook a rissoto. The six were:

1. Iain
2. Bianca
3. Mika
4. Gilbert
5. Louise
6. Nadine

After cooking and tasting, the following were eliminated from the Jr MasterChef Pinoy Edition:

1. Gilbert Go

2. Louise Mabulo

3. Nadine Lee Oliver

The eliminated kiddie cooks were given a trophy each signifying their top 15 finish.