Showing posts with label Mikhail Torio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mikhail Torio. Show all posts

Monday, November 21, 2011

HYY Batang Genius - Top 4 Nov 19, 2011

John Vincent - First Honors

The remaining 5 HYY Batang Genius had their first elimination on Saturday, November 19, 2011. Jomari, Rei Chester, John Vincent (JV), Paul and Mikhail faced each other for a 15 question battle. As you remembered last week's bottom 3 - Mikhail, JV and Paul - had to battle up to gain the most scores in this episode because whoever answered the least today will be eliminated.

Mikhail Torio - Eliminated

In this 15 Questions Challenge, the first honors shall get the wish for his father. The first honors in this battle is John Vincent. Out of the bottom 3, Mikhail was eliminated. He was always in the bottom 3 but this time, he was unlucky.

Monday, November 7, 2011

HYY Batang Genius - Top 5 (Nov 5, 2011)

On Saturday, 5 November 2011, the bottom 3 of Happy Yipee Yehey  Batang Genius competed each other through the Chronology Game, where each contestant arranged from oldest to latest events they chose to answer. Mikhail selected "World Geniuses" category and answered correctly 3 of the 5 events. "In the News" was chosen by Chester and he answered all of the events correctly. Jerome also chose "In the News" but he arranged all the events wrongly. As a result, Jerome was eliminated from the game. On Saturday, the top 5 will again compete. The first honors shall be able to offer gifts to his grandparent (lolo or lola). 

The HYY Batang Genius Top 5, in no particular order, are:

Jomari Fernando- Super Intelligent Kuya of Nueva Ecija

Paul Gabriel Cosme - Astig

John Vincent (JV) Cortez - Nice Smart Guy ng Sampaloc

Rei Chester Reyes - Sporty Chessnut ng Angono

Mikhail Torio - Multimedia Geek ng Quezon City

Who do you think will win this talent search?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

HYY Batang Genius Top 6

On Saturday, 8 October 2011, the last 2 slots for the top 9 between the bottom 3 Batang Genius were awarded to Mikhail Torio and John Vincent Cortez after a mental Mathematcis challenge. John Dominic Ragudo was eliminated. Afterwards, the top 9 faced each other again to be included in the top 6. Here are the brightest 6 kids:

1. Jerome
2. Neil Delos Reyes of La Consolacion College of Calooocan City

3. John Vincent Cortez of Legarda Elementary School, Sampaloc, Manila

4. Gerard Angelo Samillano of Anne Claire Montessori of Taguig City

5. Rei  Chester Reyes of St Martin Montessori Angono
6. Mikhail Torio of Akademeia School, Inc., Quezon City

The bottom 3 below will face each other on 15 October 2011 to get the last 2 spots to be included in the top 8

1. Paul Gabriel Cosme

2. Jomari Fernando of De-Ed CLSU Elementary School, Nueva Ecija

3. Leanne Zarate of Colegio de Sta Rosa, Makati City

Sunday, October 2, 2011

HYY - Batang Genius Top 7

On Saturday, 1 October 2011, the top 10 Batang Genius battled it up for the top 7. Here are the brightest 7 kids in no particular order:

1. Paul
2. Neil Delos Reyes
3. Gerard Samillano
4. Rei  Chester Reyes of St Martin Montessori Angono
5. Jomari Fernando of CLSU Elementary School, Nueva Ecija
6. Leanne Zarate of Colegio de Sta Rosa, Makati City
7. Jerome

The 3 finalists below will compete next Saturday for the last 2 slots for top 9:

1. Mikhail Torio of Akademeia School, Inc., Quezon City
2. John Vincent Cortez of Legarda Elementary School, Sampaloc, Manila
3. John Dominic Ragudo of Mother Goose Special School System, Dagupan City