This is Tapinac Elementary School, located at East Tapinac, Olongapo City, Zambales, Philippines where I attended my elementary days from June 1967 until March 1973. I remember that we were the first batch who used the stage ( a project of the Parents-Teachers Association headed by Councilor Floro Cruz). It is also during our graduation that there was no Valedictorian or Salutatorian. Students who topped in a subject were given a " Best in ____ " Certificate. Noel Del Rosario and I were awarded ALL certificates during that time but I was considered the Valedictorian during that year although there is no official recognition awarded.

{I copied these photos from}

The rooms of Grade VI students are located on the second floor of this building. It was made of wood then. Now, it is made of concrete. I remember that my classmates and I used to scrub the stairs with coconut husk (bunot) going to the principal's office and our room. That task was shared with the students of Grade IV Section 1 under Miss "Ning" Ramos (now Mrs. Matawaran). I remember also how "sungit" Miss Ramos is.
By the way (before I forget them), my adviser during my elementary days are:
Grade 1 - Mrs. Flerida Balajadia
Grade 2 - Mrs. Elena Cruz
Grade 3 - Mrs. Luz Fugeda
Grade 4 - Miss De Guzman (trying to recollect her name)
Grade 5 - Mrs. Dixon and Miss Zenaida Echon
Grade 6 - Mrs. Myrna A. Ellano