Showing posts with label I can do it. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I can do it. Show all posts

Friday, September 6, 2013



The second trimester for my Professional Teaching Certification course at UP Open University starts on 7 September 2013. This trimester I only undertake one (1) subject. This is because I was overwhelmed with my work and study last time. With full time employment, from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM daily, six days a week, undertaking 2 PTC subjects was really a big challenge. My schedule was too tight that I needed to wake up early to study before going to work. Sometimes, I said “NO” to some shopping and leisure dates for the required updates of my journal.


However, at the middle of the trimester, I was able to utilize maximally my available time to complete my study. Contrary to what Michael Jordan said in the Nike advertisement –“Just do it!” – I echoed more appropriately with – “I can do it!”  - especially when I found out later that I finished my 2 subjects very satisfactorily.

I hope that this coming trimester, I can still shout the same cliche with more vigor.

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