Showing posts with label Luzviminda Team Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Luzviminda Team Challenge. Show all posts

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Pinoy Jr MasterChef Luzviminda Team Challenge

This Saturday, December 24, 2011 the remaining nine contestants of Jr MasterChef Pinoy edition were faced with a team challenge called "Luzviminda". Luzviminda stands for the 3 big groups of island of the Philippines, namely LUZon, VIsayas and MINdanao.

In this team challenge, the top three kiddie cooks - Patrick, Kyle and Miko - who also became team leaders,  chose a mystery box where ingredients from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao are hidden. The six remaining cooks swam in a pool of balls to find a ball of their chosen team.

The teams are:
1) Luzon or Red Team - Miko, Acee & Philip
2) Visayas or Blue Team - Kyle, Jobim and Emmam
3) Mindanao or Yellow Team - Patrick, Caitlin & Mika

Judge Judy Ann Santos announced that their cumulative score shall be turned back to zero. Each team was given one hour to cook an entree, main dish and a dessert using 4 or more ingredients.

Fried Dalag

Luzon/Red Team Menu
  Mushroom sisig in aligue sauce
  Fried dalag from north to south
  Leche la del blanca

Sinugba (niluto sa baga)

Visayas/Blue Team Menu
  Sinuglaw (sinugba at kinilaw)
  Mango, sago and suman

Rolled/stuffed swordfish

Mindanao/Yellow Team Menu
  Lami mixed salad
  Rolled swordfish with seared tuna
  Pomelo cream pie

After the tasting and judging, here are the points of the team:

Luzon/Red Team = 6 points
Mindanao/Yellow Team = 4 points
Visayas/Blue Team = 2 points

Watch the December 24, 2011 Jr Mastechef Pinoy Edition below: