Showing posts with label Dammam. Jubail. CCC. Khursaniyah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dammam. Jubail. CCC. Khursaniyah. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


After one month, I was able to get my new MRP (Machine Readable Passport) yesterday, 16 September 2008. But I had to travel from Jubail to Riyadh to get that passpport. I woke up at 3 AM and off to Dammam Bus Station at 4 AM with our Indian purchaser Roy. The ticket costs 92 Saudi Riyals back and forth. The bus left the station at 6: 30 AM and stopped at a gas station for us to relieve ourselves at 8:55 AM. The journey was too long and boring. All you see was a never-ending desert with occasional camels at the far distant. Only after 4 hours of travel did I see houses at Al Kharf at 10: 40 AM. I arrived in Riyadh Station at 11:20 AM.

A taxi took me to the Philippine Embassy at 11:50 AM for 50 Saudi Riyals. I spent only 15 minutes in the Emabassy to get my MRP. A filipino taxi driver took me back to the bus station for 50 Saudi Riyals. There I met a fellow Filipino from Leyte (whew, I forgot his name--actually I did not bother to ask his name). He is working as a crane operator for CCC at Khursaniyah, a 2 hours drive from Jubail. He became my talking companion when the bus left Riyadh at 1: 25 PM

The only consolation I got was that a food package was given to us by the bus driver after the end of the fasting hour. It contained dates, small butter cake, juice and a bottle of water. The bus arrived at around 6: 30 PM in Dammam. We waited another one hour to take us to Jubail. We were only 3 passengers in the bus which arrived in Jubail at 8: 45 PM. My butt and head was aching when I got home at 10: 30 PM

Whew, what a trip for an MRP!!!