Sunday, February 5, 2012

Tin Patrimonio, One of the Most Popular PBB Unlimited Housemates

I gathered the statistics of my blog and found out that Mark Luz's post got the highest page view in my blog

. Mark got 10,005 views followed by his real life girlfriend Kim de Guzman with 6,504 views. 

Third place is Jan Slater with 6,001 views followed by Tin Patrimonio with 5,887 views as of today. 

However, Tin's popularity is getting momentum as she begins to be top of the list every week. 

In this regard, I gathered some of Tin's photos from the world wide web. 

As of this writing, a love triangle is brewing between Tin, Biggel and Kevin. It is to be remembered that Kevin kissed Tin last year. In my opinion, Tin and Kevin is a good match than Tin and Biggel. You are right folks! It is because of the financial status of Tin and Biggel. In this worls, love is not enough anymore to last a relationship. Compatibility counts. It will be very hard for Biggel to cope with the standard of living of Tin. Tin, in the end, will lose patience teaching Biggel her ways.

If you are the owner of the photos in this page and you do not want them to be viwed, email me and I will delete them ASAP

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