Monday, January 16, 2012

ExCon Ronald Singson Returns, Denies Conviction

Ex-Congressman of Ilocos Sur Ronald Singson returned to the Philippines yesterday, january 14, 2012 after his 11 month prison terms in Hong Kong for the illegal possession of 6.7 grams of cocaine. Singson was arrested on July 11, 2010 and was sentenced for 18 months in jail. He was released this week 7 months earlier for "good behaviour."

On his return, Singson asked forgiveness from his father, Ilocos Sur Governor and "jueteng money courier" of former President Erap Estrada, Luis "Chavit" Singson. The act that caught my sense in the ABS-CBN news was when Ronald Singson still denied the accusation and maintain that the drug belonged to his friend. He could have my sympathy now but because of this another "denial", I just wish him luck in the future!

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