Monday, January 2, 2012

Batang Genius - Give Me Five - Dec 31, 2011

On December 31, 2011, the three remaining HYY Batang Genius finalists composed of John Vincent, Jomari and Chester faced each other again for the "Give Me Five" Elimination challenge. In this round, each contestant has to give the 5 correct answers within 15 seconds in this enumeration test. Only the first 5 answers uttered by the finalist shall be considered and he cannot change his answers although there is time left. In the event that a contestant got the 5 correct answers, an additional point is added to his score.


The questions came from 3 different boxes which contain 5 questions each. These boxes are labelled Round 1, 2 and 3.The finalist has to choose the question number he wishes to answer from these boxes. The first Batang Genius who answered the first question was Chester  who answered it correctly for the names of at least 5 ASEAN countries and therefore got 6 points. JV was next who got 4 correct answers for the 5 layers of the atmosphere.  Jomari answered 4 correct answers for the names of Ferdinand Magellan's fleet in 1519.


After the third round, here are the score of the finalists:

Chester = 18 points
Jomari = 9 points
John Vincent (JV) = 6 points

John Vincent (JV)

Since JV has the lowest score, he was eliminated from the game. Chester and Jomari will battle it up for the grand championship in the coming days. In this episode, I guess Chester got lucky because the questions that he chose commanded more than 10 answers.

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