Monday, June 17, 2013

Can we teach metacognition?

Another insights worthy of note is from Ian Carlo Illastron on the topic of teaching metacognition. Of all the other students who shared his view on the concept, I chose his thoughts because they elucidate my notion about metacognition. Although he did not elaborate much further how to teach the concept to students, his is a starting point. I just added the image in his writing . Original entry here:

" Can we teach metacognition?

by Ian Carlo Illastron - Saturday, 15 June 2013, 11:38 PM

yes i think we can, its possible,

teacher need to evaluate students response to the tasks given and observe if the student is developing metacognition.

John Flavell, researcher of metacognition, believes kids need awareness in three areas: -

1. An awareness of knowledge — understanding what they know

2. An awareness of thinking — understanding cognitive tasks

3. An awareness of thinking strategies — understanding approaches to directing learning

and to develop awareness, teachers must;

1. Model our own thinking- Kids learn by watching us, Saying your thoughts out loud shows kids what you’re thinking, or “thinking aloud


2. Scaffold the thinking- Step by step scaffold the learning. We start at the beginning of noticing the thinking strategies, noticing what we know, notice if our strategies worked. We don’t start trying to implement new strategies before we know what we’re currently using as a strategy.

3. Facilitate and provide opportunities to notice thinking -"

Image from

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