Saturday, May 25, 2013

Introversion is not Shyness

Susan Cain describes shyness as “the fear of social disapproval or humiliation, while introversion is a preference for environments that are not overstimulating. Shyness is inherently painful; introversion is not “(as cited in Baldasaro, 2012).

Introverts also are not anti-social because they also interact with others but lesser in frequency than extroverts. The collaboration is more on quality than quantity.


Baldasaro, T. (2012, September 10). Embracing Introversion: Ways to Stimulate Reserved Students in the Classroom.  [Web log comment]. Retrieved from


rhed said...

You're right there Pons!

Not to sound defensive, but I think I'm an introvert person. I prefer to concentrate on my lessons by myself but it doesn't mean I'm not open for suggestions and feedback. I believe I can have quality time if I will be by myself.

On the other hand, it has to be interpreted differently from being shy. I can collaborate and interact with many people as the situation calls for it. In fact, I do teach a huge number of students. It's a matter of preference when it comes to learning.

Spot on! :D

robenillemalit said...

Hi Pons,

Thank you for sharing this. I am deeply and positively enlightened. :)
